Food Processing

Food Processing

Industrial Plants

Food Processing

Food production is essential for ensuring food security and providing a reliable food supply crucial for everyday life. Modern food processing facilities have a wide range of services for which FPI composite GRE-RTR piping are ideally suited for including potable water, transportation of raw materials, water treatment, process drains and waste management.

Our Expertise


Low Carbon Footprint

Sustainability is at the heart of FPI’s built environment product ranges. FPI’s built environment products all offer exceptional carbon footprint reduction benefits when compared to traditional materials thereby helping client realise their sustainability goals.

Low Maintenance

FPI composites products offer reduced maintenance due to the corrosion resistant nature of GRE-RTR pipe systems. Therefore, issues such as external corrosion under insulation is eliminated. Additionally, the exceptionally smooth bore of FPI GRE-RTR reduced the potential for internal build up and waxing thus reducing maintenance.


Being exceptionally light weight enable greater ease of installation and the deployment of prefabrication methods of construction. This capitalising on this approach and significantly reduce onsite construction and offer significant schedule improvements.

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