WAVISTRONG® GREEN Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Series

WAVISTRONG® GREEN Carbon Dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) Series


WAVISTRONG® GREEN Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Series

Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) will play a vital role in fighting climate change, both in industrial decarbonisation and energy transition. The ability to move safely at scale, over distance, in a cost effective and environmentally responsible manner is vital in the development of CCUS.

However, carbon steel pipelines present some unique operational and safety challenges. Steel is susceptible to low temperatures which can occur during a Rapid Gas Decompression (RGD) event.

At low temperatures cracking can occur leading to running brittle fracture. Therefore, a carbon steel CO2 line cannot be rapidly depressurised in the event of 3rd party incident without the risk of inducing further damage to the line. In addition to operational and safety issues mitigating the effects of corrosion, requires increased corrosion allowances, external coating and the use of cathodic protection adding to increased ongoing maintenance costs.

WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series GRE composites are ideally suited for use within CO2 piping and pipelines. Epoxy composites have exceptional low temperature capabilities compared to carbon steel in excess of -60°C. This low temperature performance combined with being of a filament wound construction means that not only is the potential for low temperature cracking reduced the potential for any form of running fracture is eliminated. Therefore, in the event of an emergency shutdown, a WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series pipeline can be depressurised rapidly therefore providing offering potentially safer operation than traditional carbon steel. Additionally, WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series is unaffected by corrosion and supercritical CO2.

WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series can also be supplied with an external Polyurea (PU) impact resistant coating for above ground service where required.

Product Range

WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series pipes and fittings range from 1” (DN 25 mm) to 48” (DN 1200 mm) in diameter, and designed to withstand pressures up to 50 Barg (725 Psig) and temperature range from -60oC (-76oF) up to 121oC (212oF).

WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series can be supplied as conductive, and externally coated with Polyurea (PU) impact-resistant coating for aboveground installation where required.


WAVISTRONG® GREEN (CO2) series is the ideal pipe system for Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and CO2 Transmission lines.

Composite Piping Capabilities

Key Features


Exceptionally low permeation rates.


Is unaffected by low temperatures (-60°C).


Eliminates running fracture risk (Brittle and ductile).


Eliminates corrosion.


Designed to ISO 14692 an internationally recognised Oil & Gas standard.


Has an exceptionally low Global Warming Potential (GWP).


Has a comparable CAPEX, and a lower OPEX.


WAVISTRONG Energy Transition Brochure (English)

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