FPI Awarded Best Supplier

Published on 24 December 2019

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Future Pipe Industries has been awarded Best Supplier of GRP products by OCP (Office Cherifiene de Phosphate in Morocco). We were presented with the award at a one day seminar held by the Industrial Development Division of OCP to exchange experiences, best practices and evaluate projects process.

The seminar was run with the view to improve the performance of OCP Sites. It was an occasion for OCP and their key shortlisted suppliers to review the different process of projects: from awarding stage to supply and installation.

During the seminar, Future Pipe Industries were awarded as Best Supplier for GRP products a testament of our ongoing focus on working with our suppliers to drive stronger relationships and a deeper understanding of how we can add value.

The photo shows Mustapha Sabbagh, Country Manager and Said Fdil, Area Sales Manager receiving the award.

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